will take part in SL i-League StarSeries S3

Our CS:GO squad will play in the final part of SL i-League StarSeries S3.

StarLadder and ImbaTV announced the names of the first two teams, who confirmed their participation — finalists of the ELEAGUE Major: G2A и Astralis.

As previously, the Palace "Ukraine" will be the venue of the LAN-finals of SL i-League StarSeries S3, held from April 4-9, while matches of the final three days of the championship will be held straight on a big stage.

Sixteen teams from Europe, Asia and America will enter a fight for the cup of the third season of SL i-League CS:GO StarSeries, as well as for a prize pool of  $300,000.

Names of the remaining six participants, who received direct invites, will be made public later, along with the details of online-quals. You can follow the championship’s tide at the official page of SL i-League CS:GO StarSeries.