is disbanding Apex Legends roster

After launching an Apex Legends lineup in 2019, our players Pjeh, Taylor and Noth have come a long way together under the VP tag. However, since the discipline's development does not meet our expectations, we are forced to disband the roster.

Sergey Glamazda, General Manager: “In the beginning of 2020 we were looking forward to EA’s plans on Apex Legends’ upcoming competitive season. Their announcement inspired confidence, everything was moving in a right direction: more tournaments, higher frequency of events and continuous growth of prize pools which eventually was going to attract more fans.

After we successfully qualified to the first Major in Dallas we felt great, our players had already come to Texas for acclimatization and preparations for the tournament. Cancellation of such big event just days before and the uncertainty that followed caused much more damage to Apex Legends’ competitive scene than any other game. Unfortunately, online tournaments couldn’t deliver the development level we were hoping to see in the discipline with offline events initially planned.

Today we are announcing a very difficult decision about leaving the discipline. I hope it’s only a temporary measure, and our fans will see in Apex Legends in the future as soon as the situation is improved. 

I want to thank Pjeh, Noth and Taylor for the best-played game in our ranks. They are fantastic and highly professional players, that throughout the time have held high positions in the European region with a strong chances becoming one of the best squads in worldwide rankings. Special thanks to our fans that followed us during our games and helped us with their massive energy.”

Apex Legends