G2A invited to IEM Katowice 2017

The organizers of IEM Katowice 2017 handed out the first invites to the tournament.

Only two teams have currently received the direct invites. Ninjas in Pyjamas became the second team to receive an invite.

Ten more teams will join VP.G2A and NiP in Katowice: six will be invited, while the other four will fight in the ESL-organized qualifiers. IEM Katowice 2017 will take place on 1-5 March in Katowice. The prize pool amounts to $250 thousand. never missed a single CS:GO tournament in Katowice. They outperformed Ninjas in Pyjamas at IEM Katowice 2014 grand finals, but only finished 3rd-4th at IEM Katowice 2015. finished 5th-6th at IEM Katowice 2016.