roster for PGL Major Stockholm 2021

Our first CS:GO roster will be changed for the upcoming Major in Stockholm: Evgeny “FL1T” Lebedev will replace Sanjar “SANJI” Kuliev.
Sergey Glamazda, CEO of
“The Major is the biggest event in CS:GO, the one we’ve been waiting for two years. It’s incredibly important for the club and our fans. We want to achieve the best possible result, and in order to do so the team needs a new impulse. An opportunity to play with Evgeny arose and we decided to seize it. We hope that this will be the impulse we need to play at the peak of our abilities.
No decisions regarding the future of our roster have been made for now. Everything will be clear after the Major when the dust is settled. I want to thank Sanjar. We’ve won tournaments, got into the top-3 of HLTV rankings, and qualified for the Major with him being in our ranks. Our current roster has already achieved a lot and this temporary change should help us reach even higher goals that we set for ourselves.”
Updated roster at PGL Major Stockholm 2021:
Dzhami «Jame» Ali;
Timur «buster» Tulepov;
Aleksey «Qikert» Golubev;
Mareks «YEKINDAR» Gaļinskis;
Evgeny «FL1T» Lebedev.
Dastan «dastan» Akbayev (coach).